Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Naruto Volume 2

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The story so far, Kakashi had his team pass a survival test, but they didn’t understand its true purpose and failed. However he decided to give them another chance but with the condition not to give to Naruto any food as a punishment, but Sasuke and Sakura didn’t listen and decided to feed him so they can work together….
After finally succeeding, team 7 started accomplishing minor missions but Naruto wasn’t satisfied with it, that’s why they were assigned to guard and escort an old man named Tazuna…
Short after they quit the village, Naruto and co were attacked by 2 Ninjas, Those two were after Tazuna’s life. After That Tazuna explain to them the reason behind hiding such a fact, and gained the favor of getting help from team 7.
At Tazuna’s homeland, Kakashi and were attacked by a missing-nin named Zabuza.
Soon after the battle against the missing-nin started, The Jonin had his student stay back and protects Tazuna, Kakashi was trapped, inside a jail made of water, and his team was facing a great danger. That’s when Naruto came up with a strategy with witch Kakashi was freed…

At Home (Tazuna’s home) Kakashi suggest that Zabuza is alive and thus his pupil started preparing for the coming battle.

- A missing-nin is a ninja who deserted his village.
Read more!!


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